EXERCISE 5: Interactive Webpage - by Arvin Javier
Exercise 5: Interactive Webpage by Arvin Javier I made this Interactive webpage by thinking of a topic that correlates to all the past projects I've done, to use them as a reference or an example videos for all the key points that has been listed below. As our professor instructed us that we must only use the things that we made, that includes the videos and pictures. So everything you see in this segment from here on out is ALL made by me. Please do enjoy and god bless.. 5 Ways in Improving your Multimedia Production 1. Know your brand and what type of work you excel at. In every leash and career, you must know what you are capable of - graphic designing, typography designing, filming, photography, or video editing. You need to understand what your skills are because, by that time, you will be able to know what type of brand you should be working for and what type of work is best suited to you. Take a look at an individual named Arvin Javier as an example: he knows that he ...